044-cover 封面、書背、封底
044-copyright 版權頁
044-table_of_contents 目次
044-1 關於證成唯識之因明論證的幾點看法——回應John Taber 所謂的稻草人論證=Some Remarks on the Argument for vijñaptimātratā: A Reply to John Taber
胡志強=Hu, Chih-chiang
044-2 《大乘起信論》中的大乘論——以法義結構為中心的心識理論=The Philosophy of Mind in the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna: A Theory of Mahāyāna Formulated on the Model of “Fa-yi”
金濤=Jin, Tao
044-3 數位人文分析的探索性遠眺——以宋、元、明《楞嚴經》的註釋傳統為例=The Exploratory Overlook from the Perspective of Digital Humanities: Case Study in the Commentarial Tradition of Lengyan Jing in Song, Yuan, Ming Dynasty
楊志常、洪振洲、周邦信=Chih-Chang Yang, Jen-Jou Hung, and Pang-Hsin Chou