026-1 法身為真如所顯—論《能斷金剛般若波羅蜜多經釋》對於法身的界定=The Dharma-body as the Disclosure of Thusness: On the Characterization of the Dharma-body in the Nengduan jingang banruo boluomi jing shi
耿晴=Keng, Ching
026-2 法相宗「轉依」之「依」義研究=A Study of the “Basis” (Āśraya) in the “Transformation of the Basis” (Āśraya-parivṛtti/ Āśraya-parāvṛtti) in the Chinese Yogācāra School
趙東明=Chao, Tung-Ming
026-3 唯識學「所知障」概念:譯詞評議、研究檢討、部派溯源及東亞展望=Vijñānavādian Concept of Jñeyāvaraṇa: Review, Reframe and Prospection of the Modern Scholarship
劉宇光=Lawrence Y.K. LAU