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"The First Annual Conference of Young Buddhist Scholars" on December 8th.

Title: The First Annual Conference of Young Buddhist Scholars on December 8th

🔶Date:  December 8, 2023
🔶Venue:  Room 301, Department of Philosophy, Taiwan University, Shuiyuan Campus (No. 18, Siyuan St.)
🔶Organizers:  Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University; Theme Project "Urban Writing in the Perspective of East Asian Cultural Exchange" at Academia Sinica (Phase VI of the East Asian Project)


🔶Agenda for the Day:

 ▪ 09:00-09:10 Opening and Welcome Remarks 

 ▪ 09:10-10:10 Keynote Speech

♦ Speaker: Professor Michael Radich (何書群) (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Topic: “The Formation of 'Buddhism' in China in the Long Fifth Century: Towards a New Narrative, in a Comparative Perspective”

▪ 10:10-10:30 Tea break 

▪ 10:30-12:00 Session One: Presentation of Papers (3 papers)

Presenter1: Dr. Bai Jinghao (Japan Institute of Nichiren Buddhism Studies)
  "Representation of the Fudo Myoo and Aizen Myoo in the Great Mandala of Nichiren Daishonin: A Discussion on the Issue of Abandoning Esoteric Buddhism in the Nichiren School"
Commentator: Assistant Professor Kuo Pei-Chun  (Department of History, National Taiwan University)
Presenter2: Dr. Yang De-yu (Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)
  "The Theory of 'Two Kinds of Nirvana' in the Yogācārabhūmi: With Reference to Dignāga's Commentary"
Commentator: Professor Lee Hsing-ling (Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan Normal University)
Presenter3: Dr. Kaspars Eihmanis (National Chengchi University)
  “Vasubandhu’s Causal Theory of Memory in the Pudgalaviniścaya”
Commentator: Assistant Professor Hu Chih-Chiang (Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University)


▪ 12:00-13:30 Lunch break

▪ 13:30-15:00 Second session of paper presentations (3 papers)

Presenter4: Dr. Shyh Lii-yang (Ph.D. from Huafan University)
  "The Concept of 'Two Truths' in the Commentary on the Madhyāntavibhāga by Jizang and in Tsongkhapa's Ocean of Reasoning: A Comparative Study"
Commentator: Assistant Professor Ling Shu-an (Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University)
Presenter5: Shyh Hongxiang (Ph.D. Student, The University of Hong Kong)
  "A Study and Analysis of the Amitabha Sutra"
Commentator: Assistant Professor Chien Kai-ting (Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University)
Presenter6: Gao Ting  (Ph.D. Student, University of Tsukuba)
  The Critique of the Causal Relationship by Faxiang in the *Treatise on Concomitant Relations*: A Focus on the *Treatise on Concomitant Relations* and Its Commentaries
Commentator: Associate Professor (Visiting) Li Sheng-hai (Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University)


▪ 15:00-15:10 Tea break

▪ 15:10-16:40 Session 3: Presentation of Papers (3 papers)

Presenter7: Xie Xian-yi (Ph.D. Student, National Chengchi University)
  "Revisiting an Alternative Interpretation of the Statement 'What is Spoken as Empty, Neither Empty nor Not Empty' in the Chinese Translation of the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Lion's Roar Chapter"
Commentator: Associate Professor Keng Ching(Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University)
Presenter8: Shyh Xianzhao (Ph.D. Student, University of Malaya)
  "On the Construction of the Practice Levels of Tiantai's Distinctive and Complete Teachings Based on Zhiyi's Quotations from the Sutra of the Innumerable Merits of Bodhisattva's Crown Ornament"
Commentator: Professor Kuo Chao-Shun (Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University)
Presenter9: Lee Chun-Nan (PhD Student, Huafan University)
  "Modernization of Traditional Buddhist Studies with Artificial Intelligence: A Study on the Translator of The Story of King Ashoka Based on Natural Language Processing"
Commentator: Professor Hong Zhenzhou (Department of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts)


▪ 16:40-17:00 Tea break

▪ 17:00-18:00 Roundtable Forum

 Topic:  "Texts, Concepts, and Methodologies in Chinese Buddhism"
Moderator:  Associate Professor Keng Ching(Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University)
Introduction Speakers:
Michael Radich (Professor, Center for Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany)
Lee Sangyop (Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University, South Korea)
Liao Chao-heng (Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)
Teng Wei-jen (Associate Professor, Department of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan)


▪ 18:30 Dinner

