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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站

Call for Submissions

    • 內頁
  • Date:2024-01-01
1. This journal is a semi-annual publication featuring academic papers, book reviews, and discussions related to Buddhist studies. It is published in June and December each year.
2. Contributors should hold a current or past position as a scholar in domestic or international universities or research institutions, possess a doctoral degree, or be a doctoral student.
3. Submitted papers will undergo anonymous review by at least two scholars. The editorial committee reserves the right to review the revisions made to the manuscript based on the opinions of the reviewing scholars and decides whether to publish.
4. Manuscripts should be prepared following the editorial style of the journal.
5. Papers should be primarily written in Chinese or English. The recommended length for Chinese manuscripts is 10,000 to 30,000 characters, and for English manuscripts, 20 to 30 pages.
6. Submissions should include the title, abstracts in both Chinese (300-500 words) and English (200-400 words), keywords in both Chinese and English (up to five each), bibliography, and author's biography. Please submit the manuscript in both doc/docx and pdf formats. If there are special characters, provide them along with an explanation.
7. For submissions involving copyright (such as images and lengthy quotations), authors must obtain written consent from the original authors or publishers. The journal is not responsible for copyright issues.
8. After publication, authors must agree to grant authorization for the journal to re-authorize the National Central Library's "Remote Book Service System," the National Science and Technology Center for Humanities and Social Sciences' "THCI Database," National Taiwan University's Center for Buddhist Studies website, and National Taiwan University's "Buddhist Digital Library and Museum," or other database providers, to reproduce, provide services via the internet, authorize users to download, print, browse, etc. The format may be modified to meet the requirements of each database.
9. The journal will provide authors with a complimentary electronic copy in PDF format after publication, with no additional compensation.
10. Manuscripts should be submitted via email to to the "NTU Center for Buddhist Studies Editorial Committee."