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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站


    • 內頁
第 42 期 [2021.12出版]



042-1 佛教梵語sparśa-vihāra(觸住/觸安隱住/安樂住)在《雜阿含經》(T99)與《別譯雜阿含經》(T100)之語境用例考察=A Few Examples of Buddhist Sanskrit sparśa-vihāra ( 觸住 / 觸安隱住 / 安樂住) Which Occur in the Context of Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama (T99, T100)

釋惠敏=Huimin Bhikshu

042-2 論巴利語論書對「法處」的不同認識=On the Different Understanding of “Dhammāyatana” in Pāli Abhidhamma Commentaries

劉勁松=Liu, Jinsong

042-3 春花或金屑?——紫柏真可的禪教觀及其背後的反智識主義難題=Flowers as Spring or Gold Dust as Film in the Eyes? Zibo Zhenke’s View on the Relationship between Chan and Doctrine and Its Problems on Anti-intellectualism

林悟石=Lin, Wushi

042-4 基於新見文獻的明清因明史重構=A Reconstruction of the History of Buddhist Logic in Ming and Qing China Based on New Materials

陳帥=Chen, Shuai