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    • 內頁
第 41 期 [2021.06出版]



041-1 析論偈頌語言現象與唐宋古德詮釋發展的關係——以《華嚴經》放光見佛偈為例=“The Light Which Lets One See the Buddha” in the Huayan Sutra: Linguistic Features of the Original Verses and Their Hermeneutical Development by Tang-Song Scholars

釋堅融=Shi, Jianrong

041-2 「默默忘言、昭昭現前」——東亞佛教文化視野下的曹洞宗與默照禪=“Silently and Serenely, Forgetting All Words, Clearly and Vividly, It Appears before You”: Caodong School and Silent Enlightenment from the Perspective of East Asian Buddhism Culture

釋道禮(倪管嬣)=Shi, Dao-li (Ni, Kuan-nin)

041-3 「佛陀為本」vs.「聲聞為本」——太虛與印順「判教」思想之對比考察=“Buddha-based” versus “Śrāvaka-based”: A Comparative Study of the Philosophy of Pan Jiao between Taixu and Yinshun

林建德=Lin, Chien-Te

041-4 當代正念課程批評者的雄辯修辭——來自正念減壓教學者的回應=The Rhetoric of Critics of Contemporary Mindfulness-Based Programs: An Response from a MBSR Teacher

溫宗堃=Wen, Tzungkuen