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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站


    • 內頁
第 40 期 [2020.12出版]



040-1 據《大般若經.第七會.曼殊室利分》建構通向菩提道的愛情觀=Constructing a View on Love Leading to the Path to Enlightenment: Based on the 7th Assembly of the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom

蕭哲沅=Hsiao, Che-yuan

040-2 近世禪宗清規中的金錢觀=Money in Early Modern Chinese Chan Buddhist Pure Rules

徐維里=Hsu, Philip Wei-li

040-3 晚明《成唯識論》註釋傳統的重新建構——數位量化人文的視角=How Was the Commentarial Tradition of Cheng Weishi Lun Rebuilt in Late-Ming? The Quantitative Perspective of Digital Humanities

楊志常=Yang, Chih-Chang

040-4 由智顗之「事一心、理一心」論聖嚴之「統一心、無心」——以常行三昧念佛方法為主=From Zhiyi’s “Concentration on Phenomena and Concentration on Principle in One Mind” to Investigate Shengyen’s “United-mind” and “No-mind”

釋修優=Shi, Xiuyou