033-1 《維摩詰經》敦煌藏文寫本殘卷PT610、PT611研究=An Investigation into the Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts on Vimalakīrtinirdeśa PT610 and PT611
林純瑜=Lin, Shen-yu
033-2 化城與邊地:明末憨山的施茶觀與其修弘歷程=Conjured City and Frontier: Hanshan’s Philosophy of Tea Giving and the Course of His Cultivation in the End of Ming Dynasty
蘇美文=Su, Mei-wen
033-3 蓮生敘事:比較宗教象徵研究=The Religious Narratives of Lotus-birth: A Comparative Study of Religious Symbol
吳有能=Ng, Yau-nang William
033-4 梁漱溟出入儒佛的生命軌跡=Liang Shu-ming’s Track of Life Between Confucianism and Buddhism
黃文樹=Huang, Wen-shu