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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站


    • 內頁
第 27 期 [2014.06出版]



027-1 六十卷《華嚴經》「始成正覺」的敘事與詮釋的開展=Development of the Narrative and Hermeneutics of the “Primal Accomplishment of the Right Awakening” in the Huayan sūtra(60vol. ed.)

郭朝順=Kuo, Chao Shun

027-2 汾陽善昭之文獻、生平、思想研究=A Study of Master Fen Yang Shan Zhao’s Literature, Life and Thought

張國一=Zhang, Guo Yi

027-3 管東溟《續原教論評》析探=An Analysis of Guan Dongming’s Critique of An Analysis of Guan Dongming’s Critique of Buddhism

吳孟謙=Wu, Meng Qian