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    • 內頁
第 23 期 [2012.06出版]



023-1 一行慧覺及其《大方廣佛華嚴經海印道場十重行願常徧禮懺儀》=Yixing Huijue and his Huayan Repentance Ritual

索羅寧=Kirill Jurievitch Solonin

023-2 鈴木大拙與東亞大乘觀念的確立——從英譯《大乘起信論》(1900 年)到《大乘佛教綱要》(1907 年)=D. T. Suzuki's Conception of East Asian Mahayana Buddhism: An Investigation of Rhetoric Implications in his English Works

龔雋=Gong, Jun

023-3 丁福保及其《六祖壇經箋註》=Ding, Fu-bao and his Liu zu tan jing jian zhu(The Annotation of the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch)

趙飛鵬=Chao, Fei-pang

023-4 西夏本《近住八齋戒文》考释=A Textual Research on the Tangut Version Eight Precepts for Approaching

聶鴻音=Nie, Hong-Yin